Washington Managing Broker Package 90 Hours

12 hours
Package Price: $ 195.00
EnrollUse discount code WASHINGTON to save 10%
Requirements to upgrade to managing broker
You must:
- Be at least 18 years old.
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent.
- Provide proof you have at least 3 years of full-time experience as an active real estate broker.
- Have current fingerprint-based background results on file (due every 6 years).
- Complete 90 hours of approved real estate education within 3 years before applying for the exam. This education must include:
- 30 hours of brokerage management
- 30 hours of business management
- 30 hours of advanced real estate law
- You must complete your education within 3 years before applying for the exam.
If you are approved to upgrade, your approval will expire when the oldest of the 3-course completion dates reach 3 years.