Price: $99.95
30 hours
EnrollTexas Real Estate Principles I #121 is one of 6 courses required to obtain a real estate license and can be purchased separately or as part of the Texas 180 Hour Package. This 30-hour course is designed to fulfill the Texas Real Estate Commission requirement towards obtaining your real estate license. This course will also provide you with the knowledge to pass the Texas State Exam. The course provides basic real estate information regarding real vs. personal property, ownership rights, real estate titles, encumbrances, appurtenances, legal descriptions, real estate mathematics, financing a purchase, property appraisals, property management, and real estate as an investment. The unique aspects associated with the State of Texas will include the Texas habitability laws, anti-trust laws, Texas deceptive trade practices, community reinvestment act, Texas licensing law, and ethical standards of practice. Finally, the course will discuss the Texas Real Estate Commission and its requirements for licensing, broker affiliation, police authority, and civil actions